Experimental and complex coffee taste

Coffee is not just a simple drink, but a real experience for the taste buds. Have you ever wondered why coffee sometimes tastes fruity, sometimes chocolatey or even floral? The taste of a coffee bean depends on so many factors, from its variety and origin to the way it is roasted and prepared. The beans themselves have flavor notes that are influenced by the region in which they are grown. Maybe you've tried a coffee from Ethiopia and noticed notes of berries or citrus. Or maybe one from Brazil that's more chocolaty and nutty. That's the wonder of coffee taste: it's so diverse and complex.

Your coffee experiment

If you really want to immerse yourself in the world of coffee taste , we invite you to a little experiment. Use our coffee finder quiz . Change one variable in your coffee-making process every day for a week. Start roasting. Try light, medium and dark roasts. Which one do you like best? The next day you can experiment with the preparation method. Try a French press, an espresso or a drip coffee. Do you notice the difference? Don't forget the water. It plays a crucial role. Try your coffee with filtered water and then tap water. Do you taste a difference? The goal of this experiment is not only to find your perfect coffee, but also to appreciate the wonderful variety and complexity of coffee taste.