French press instructions

How do you make really good coffee with the French press?

The famous French press has many names. Also known as a stamp pot, it has been used in households since the mid-19th century. The French press is a simple but versatile brewing method. It is one of the full immersion coffee makers. The coffee powder here is constantly in contact with water and can score points with a particularly full body due to the slow extraction. The coarse-pored metal sieve then does the rest. It is also ideal for larger quantities of coffee. A family-friendly device! Today there are even very special roasts for the French press on the market.

Today, the French press is also an interesting method of preparation in the specialty coffee scene, precisely because you can extract a variety of flavors from your coffee beans. Here you will find out step by step how to prepare your coffee in the French press. What you should pay attention to when preparing with the French press and how you can get completely new flavors from your coffee with the French press.

1. Freshly grind your coffee beans.

For preparation we recommend 65 grams of coffee powder per liter of water. Or around 8 grams per 125ml. The perfect grind for the French press is between coarse and medium, depending on the coffee bean. The amount of ground coffee is crucial for the taste of your coffee. However, feel free to experiment with the ratio to find the perfect taste for you. You can find out below which coffee beans are suitable for preparation with the French press.

2. A small but nice detail: preheat the pot.

For ideal results, preheat the glass jug with hot water and pour it out again. This means your coffee doesn't cool down so quickly and you can enjoy it for longer. In addition, residues that can contaminate your coffee are also rinsed out of the carafe.

3. Boil your water and pour in the coffee.

If you don't have a kettle with a temperature setting, boil the water and then let it cool for about 30 seconds until it reaches a temperature of about 93-96 degrees Celsius. Water at this temperature ensures the best extraction of your coffee flavors.

4. Pour your coffee.

Now start the brewing process by quickly pouring the water on. Make sure that you distribute the water evenly over the ground coffee. To ensure even extraction and ensure that all coffee particles come into contact with water, gently stir your brew with a spoon.

5. Stir, put on the sieve and wait!

To ensure even extraction and ensure that all coffee particles come into contact with water, gently stir your brew with a spoon. Put the lid on and press it down slightly. Let the coffee steep for about 4 minutes. The exact steeping time can vary depending on personal taste. If you prefer a more intense coffee, you can extend the brewing time a little or use more ground coffee.

6. Now carefully press the sieve down.

Make sure to press slowly and evenly so that the ground coffee has time to settle. Pro tip: Instead of pressing the sieve down completely, it is recommended to pour the entire coffee through the sieve on top into another carafe. This ensures that the coffee does not extract further and change the taste.

7. Pour and enjoy!

Pour the freshly brewed coffee into the cup and enjoy the result. We also recommend trying the coffee when it has cooled down a bit. The cooler the coffee is, the more aromas we can perceive. Ultimately, however, how you enjoy your coffee is a matter of taste.

Finding the right coffee beans to prepare with the French press is half the battle. We particularly recommend using coffee beans that are also used for filter coffee.
In our online shop you will find a large selection of freshly roasted coffee beans , perfect for the French press.

With our coffee finder you can find out which beans might suit you! Experimenting with different types of coffee is worth it! With these instructions, the right coffee beans according to your taste and Batista accessories, for example a barist scale with an integrated stopwatch, you will definitely succeed in making a delicious cup of coffee. As always, the basic principle is that the quality of the water plays a crucial role. Filter your tap water or use the mineralizing salts from Third Wave Water.

Happy Brewing!

Video instructions: How to make coffee with the French press

FAQ Preparation with the French Press

frequently asked Questions

How much coffee should I use to prepare in the French press?

We recommend 65 grams of coffee powder per liter of water. However, you can adjust the ratio to your taste and experiment with the quantity. More coffee increases the intensity of the flavors. Less coffee tends to result in a milder cup.

Which grind level should I choose for the French press?

The perfect grind for the French press is between coarse and medium coarse. Depending on the coffee bean and personal preference, you can adjust the grinding level. The finer the grind, the more intense and full-bodied your coffee will be.

Why should I preheat the French press glass carafe?

Preheating the glass carafe with hot water prevents the coffee from cooling down quickly. It also removes any possible residue from the carafe that could contaminate the coffee. French press made of thermos like the ones from Coyooco improve the heat capacity even further.

What water temperature is ideal for the French press?

The ideal water temperature is between 93 and 96 degrees Celsius. If you don't have a kettle with a temperature control, boil the water and let it cool for about 30 seconds before using.

How long should the coffee brew in the French press?

A steeping time of about 4 minutes is recommended, but the exact time may vary depending on personal taste. A longer steeping time results in a more intense coffee.

What type of coffee beans are best for the French press?

Coffee beans that are used for filter coffee are particularly suitable for the French press. You can try different varieties and beans to find your preferred taste.

How do I clean the French press?

After use, you can rinse the French press with warm water and, if necessary, clean it with mild detergent. Make sure to thoroughly remove any residue.

Can I leave the coffee in the French press longer?

We recommend enjoying the coffee immediately after brewing. If the coffee stays in the French press for longer, it can over-extract and become bitter. Otherwise, you can follow our professional tip and pour the entire contents of the French press into another carafe to store it for a long time.

Can I use larger quantities of coffee in the French press?

Yes, the French press is also suitable for preparing larger or smaller quantities of coffee. You can adjust the ratio of coffee powder to water accordingly.

Are there special coffee roasts for the French press?

Yes, there are special coffee roasts that are optimized for preparation with the French press. However, the big advantage of preparing with the French press is that you can only go according to your own preferences and every coffee tends to be successful in the French press. In our online shop you will find a selection of freshly roasted coffee beans that are perfect for the French press.

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