Instructions for the Timemore Cold Drip Coffee

Timemore has developed a geeky cold dripper that lets you watch your cold brew brew.

This carafe-like device is a very special accessory for warm summer days. The Timemore Cold Dripper allows you to experience the fascinating ritual of slowly brewing coffee and tease out everything from fruity to nutty flavors from your favorite beans for good cold coffee . The particularly gentle extraction of the coffee over a longer period of time allows even the very subtle aromas to develop gradually and produce unique flavor nuances. The dedication and waiting time are really worth it, because with every drop you get closer to the perfect cold brew for hot summer days!

Let's go!

1. What do you need for your cold drip coffee?

The Timemore Cold Dripper consists of three parts: the Cold Dripper with a separate plastic lid, the coffee carafe and a container for the ground coffee. Of course, we also need coffee beans for cold drip coffee, a coffee grinder, the right round filter paper, ice cubes, cold water and an additional container for your finished cold drip coffee.

2. Freshly grind your coffee beans for cold drip coffee.

For the Timemore Cold Dripper, use 30 grams of coffee beans in 360 ml of cold water. We strongly recommend that you grind your beans fresh shortly before preparation! When brewing your cold drip coffee, the ground coffee is in contact with the water for a particularly long time. Therefore, your coffee should not be ground too finely. The coffee grind for the Cold Dripper is medium coarse and is reminiscent of slightly coarser salt.

3. Pour the ground coffee into the small container and add a little water.

Place the small plastic container in the coffee carafe. Now fill the ground coffee into the container and carefully add a little water. Enough so that the ground coffee is evenly wetted. Make sure that the ground coffee forms an even surface.

4. Place round filter on ground coffee.

The round paper filter ensures that the ground coffee is later extracted evenly and that no cavities occur.

5. Now the Cold Dripper comes into play!

First of all, make sure that the water outlet of the dripper is turned off to prevent the coffee from escaping. Now fill the dripper with ice cubes and add 360 ml of cold water and close the dripper with the plastic lid. The carafe with the wetted coffee grounds remains standing for now.

6. Adjust water flow.

We now adjust the water flow so that the water only drips out (approx. 7-10 drops per 10 seconds). We then place the cold dripper on the carafe with the ground coffee.

7. Wait, wait, wait & enjoy ice cold!

Now patience is required. We wait until all of the water has dripped into the coffee grounds, flowed through the coffee grounds and then dripped into our carafe. But we promise - it's worth the wait! You can then serve your cold drip coffee ice cold and enjoy!

Finding the right coffee beans to prepare with the cold drip is half the battle. We particularly recommend using coffee beans that are also used for filter coffee .

With our coffee finder you can find out which beans might suit you! Experimenting with different types of coffee is worth it! With these instructions, the right coffee beans according to your taste and Batista accessories, for example a barist scale with an integrated stopwatch, you will definitely succeed in making a delicious cup of coffee. As always, the basic principle is that the quality of the water plays a crucial role. Filter your tap water or use Third Wave Water’s remineralizing salts .

Happy Brewing!

Video instructions: How to make coffee with the Timemore Cold Dripper

FAQ Preparation with the Timemore Cold Drip

frequently asked Questions

What parts does the Timemore Cold Dripper consist of?

The Timemore Cold Dripper consists of three parts: the cold dripper with a separate plastic lid, the coffee carafe and a container for the ground coffee. Special round filter paper is also included.

How do I grind the coffee beans for cold drip coffee and what ratio of coffee to water should I use?

For the Timemore Cold Dripper we recommend 30 grams of coffee beans to 360 ml of cold water. Grind the beans fresh before preparation and make sure the grind is medium coarse, similar to coarse salt.

Do you have to moisten the coffee grounds before brewing?

Yes, carefully wet the coffee grounds with a little water to create an even surface. Then place the round paper filter on the ground coffee.

Which coffee beans do I use to prepare with the Cold Dripper?

Finding the right coffee beans to prepare with the cold drip is half the battle. We particularly recommend using coffee beans that are also used for filter coffee.

How long does the brewing process take in the cold dripper?

The Cold Drip drips approx. 7 drops per 10 seconds. The preparation time may vary, but takes approximately 2-3 hours.

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