A step-by-step cold brew recipe

A really good cold brew recipe for a refreshing caffeine kick on hot summer days? Here you go!

Summer is finally back and we are ready for beach, brew and BBQ! I can hardly wait to share with you my recipe and all the tips and tricks for what is probably the most popular cold drink. Because cold brew is more than just cold coffee!
You can find out how you can easily prepare the refreshing caffeine kick yourself here.

Fun Fact : Cold Brew is by no means a new, hip trendy drink. The cold brew recipe has a long tradition. It has been made in Japan and other parts of Asia for centuries and is called “Kyoto style”. There are various theories about how cold brew coffee came to the West, but it is now an important part of coffee culture in many parts of the world.

Cold brew coffee is based on a special brewing recipe because it is brewed exclusively with cold water and very slowly. This process typically takes 8-12 hours. In contrast, with classic iced coffee, hot coffee is simply poured over ice and cooled. Due to the long extraction time, your coffee beans can develop their full aroma. This often creates particularly intense and sweet aromas. This means full aroma and hardly any bitter substances. Sounds tempting, right? So let's get going!

1. What do you need for your cold brew recipe?

We use the Hario Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot coffee maker here. But you can also confidently use a conventional French press . In each preparation step you will find instructions for both brewing methods.

You also need a coffee grinder to grind your beans as freshly as possible and a coffee scale to measure the amount of coffee and water. Also around 1.2 liters of cold water. Don't forget: suitable coffee beans from your favorite roastery. Below you will find our coffee recommendations, especially for the cold brew recipe!

2. Freshly grind your coffee beans.

For the cold brew coffee maker, use 80 grams of coffee beans in 1200 ml of cold water. For the French press you can use a little more coffee. Take about 100 grams of coffee beans to 1 liter of water.

As always, we strongly recommend that you grind your beans fresh shortly before preparation! When brewing your cold brew, the ground coffee is in contact with the water for a particularly long time. Therefore, your coffee should not be ground too finely. The grind for the cold brew is coarse to medium coarse and is reminiscent of coarse sea salt. A little coarser than for the hand filter, for example.

3. Pour the cold water into the cold brew pot.

Now let 1200 ml of cold water run through the filter into the carafe. The ground coffee rises to the surface of the water. Slow down the water flow a little and move the carafe in a circular motion to wet all of the coffee grounds with water. Stop the water flow once the water level has risen to the edge of the plastic. The same process applies to the French press. Here we recommend that you only fill in 1 liter of water.

4. Let your cold brew steep.

Now close the Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot with the plastic lid provided. We also recommend an additional cover for your French press. Now put your cold brew pot in the fridge for at least 8 hours. It is a good idea to simply let the coffee steep overnight. The longer you let your cold brew steep, the more intense it will be as more flavors can develop. Caution: Don't let it steep for too long, as unpleasant bitter substances will develop at some point!

5. Pour and enjoy!

It's time! Your brew has turned into a delicious cold brew overnight. Serve it “on the rocks” with ice cubes and your refreshing caffeine kick for the summer days is ready!

But which coffee is really suitable for our cold brew recipe?

You can find our recommendations for the right coffee for cold brew here online. You can easily filter online for specific flavor profiles and find the perfect coffee for your cold brew! Just try out our taste finder. Answer a few short questions and you will receive your personal recommendation directly in your browser, without registering.
Not every roast and not every bean is suitable for this. Dark roasts are particularly unsuitable for the long brewing time of cold brew. Dark roasted beans contain more bitter substances, which have plenty of time to work their way into your cold brew.

The ideal coffee for a delicious cold brew is a coffee bean that is also well suited for filter coffee. This means that coffee with a light to medium roast profile comes into its own here! In general, filter coffees are roasted a little lighter, while espresso is usually roasted a little darker. A light roasted coffee often has prominent acidity and a wide variety of flavors. With a dark roasted coffee, on the other hand, the typical nutty roasted aromas and bitter notes dominate.

Video instructions: How to make your own cold brew

FAQ Preparation Cold Brew

frequently asked Questions

What exactly is cold brew coffee?

Cold brew coffee is a special brewing method in which coffee is extracted with cold water. Unlike the traditional brewing method, which uses hot water, cold brew is brewed at room temperature or in the refrigerator for an extended period of time. This creates a smoother and less bitter taste because the extraction is slower and gentler.

Which grind should I choose for my cold brew?

The perfect grind for the Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot and French Press is between coarse and medium coarse. Make sure that your coffee beans are not ground too finely, otherwise coffee particles will escape through the filter of the French press and cold brew pot.

Is there a recommended amount of coffee and water for cold brew?

A common guideline is a ratio of 1:4, which means 1 part coffee to 4 parts water. However, you can adjust the ratio to suit your preferences.
In this recipe for the Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot we use 80 grams of coffee beans in 1200 ml of cold water. For the French press you can use a little more coffee. Here we use approx. 100 grams of coffee beans for 1 liter of water.

How long does it take to make cold brew coffee?

The preparation time for cold brew coffee varies depending on personal taste and desired strength of the coffee. As a rule, it is recommended to let the coffee steep for at least 12 hours, but preferably longer. Many people let their coffee brew in the fridge overnight to enjoy the next morning.

How long can I keep cold brew in the fridge?

Cold brew coffee can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. We recommend storing it in an airtight container so it doesn't absorb refrigerator odors.

What type of coffee is best for cold brew?

Coffees with a mild and balanced taste are particularly suitable for cold brew coffee. Single-origin coffees that feature fruity or chocolaty notes are popular options. However, it is important to note that the taste of cold brew coffee is less influenced by the acids and flavors of the coffee than other brewing methods. Therefore, even types of coffee that are normally perceived as too sour or too mild can develop a pleasant taste in cold brew. With us you can find online coffee recommendations for the cold brew recipe.

What utensils do I need to make cold brew coffee?

To make cold brew coffee, you will need a few supplies. Here is a list of the most important things you should have on hand: coffee maker (such as a Mizudashi Cold Brew Pot or a French press), coffee grinder, coffee scale, cold water, freshly roasted coffee beans of your choice, and ice cubes.

How can I serve the cold brew?

The cold brew can be served pure or on the rocks with ice cubes. You can also mix it with milk or milk substitute for an extra creamy or slightly milder taste. Experiment with different ingredients and serve it according to your personal taste.

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